About Me

A very natural and relaxed conversation with my brilliant Research Assistant, Brier Michelsen
I am an Associate Professor in the School of Psychological Sciences at Macquarie University. I was awarded my PhD in Psychology in 2014, and went on to do postdoctoral fellowships at the University of Minnesota and Macquarie University before being awarded back-to-back fellowships. 

I currently hold an NHMRC Investigator Grant working to improve our understanding of the empirical structure of psychopathology based on the specific patterns in which symptoms of mental disorders tend to co-occur. For example, someone who is depressed is likely to also experience anxiety, and someone who has problems with gambling is likely to also struggle with drug or alcohol use. 

My research uses these patterns in symptoms and disorders to characterise the nature, causes, and consequences of mental illness across the lifespan.

NHMRC Investigator Grant Project

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Recent Publications

Where do cognitive and neurodevelopmental disorders fit in dimensional models of psychopathology?

M. K. Forbes

C. Hopwood, C. Sharp, Dimensional Diagnosis: Practical and Conceptual Issues in the Integration of Personality and Psychopathology., Guilford Press, 2025

PHILIP: A project Premortem for HItop cLinical ImPlementation to better anticipate barriers and enablers

A. J. Baillie, K. Jonas, M. Teesson, A. Calear, S. J. Lynch, M. K. Forbes

Preprint on OSF, 2024

A Transdiagnostic, Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology Following Traumatic Brain Injury

J. Carmichael, J. Ponsford, K. R. Gould, J. Tiego, M. K. Forbes, R. Kotov, A. Fornito, G. Spitz

Journal of Neurotrauma, 2024

Development and Validation of the Acquiring and Saving Motives Questionnaires: For Use in Clinical and Nonclinical Populations

J. David, M. K. Forbes, M. M. Norberg

Psychological Assessment, vol. 36(3), 2024, pp. 200–214

Principles and procedures for revising the Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology

M. K. Forbes, W. R. Ringwald, T. Allen, D. C. Cicero, L. A. Clark, C. G. DeYoung, N. Eaton, K. Naragon-Gainey, R. Kotov, R. F. Krueger, R. D. Latzman, E. A. Martin, C. J. Ruggero, I. D. Waldman, C. Brandes, E. I. Fried, V. M. Goghari, B. Hankin, S. Sperry, K. Stanton, A. Aftab, D. Lyman, M. Roche, A. G. Wright

Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science, vol. 133(1), 2024, pp. 4–19

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When my plant was still alive


Miriam K. Forbes, PhD

School of Psychological Sciences

Faculty of Medicine, Health, and Human Sciences
Macquarie University


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